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"Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world".

Paramhansa Swami Yogananda Giri

The path of Divine Union or Yoga is not an easy one to tread, in fact, the Bhagavad Gita 7:3 states, "Among thousands of men, perhaps one strives for spiritual attainment; and, among the blessed true seekers that assiduously try to reach Me, perhaps one perceives Me as I am". Similarly, the Biblical book of Matthew 7:21 teaches, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven".


It is clear from the above that great and consistent effort in the form of deep spiritual practices is required to illicit a response from the Spirit to the extent that the portals to salvation (moksha) are opened. In an preamble to the final unity (Yoga) with the Absolute, a scientific process is set into motion where the spiritual aspirant enquires into his/her true nature as well as the purpose of human life. This usually occurs after one has suffered for past mistakes and begins to question whether this world and everything contained herein are truly what they appear to be. 


The 200-hr, 300-hr and 500-hr ISHTA Yoga Teacher Training Courses offered by the Hiranya Mandala School of Yoga Integration and Meditation start the process of spiritual edification through a deep study of oneself in order to be at peace with oneself, with the world at large, and with the Divine. Through an integral approach to Hatha Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda, unique to the ISHTA methodology, the aspirant yogi works through the ignorance-borne and pain-inducing emotions of anger, shame, fear, guilt and so forth, because it is these things which lead to suffering and which create diseases of the body and mind, and apprehension of one's true Self, the soul (atma) is lost. The yogi should strive to eliminate ignorance (avidya) of his true Self, through the time-tested techniques of meditation bequeathed by India's sages to the world, heal and integrate into one cohesive whole. In that state, perennial bliss, peace, and ultimate unity with the Divine are sure to follow.

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